Steinbeck wrote, “We are lonesome animals. We spend all our life trying to be
less lonesome. One of our ancient methods is to tell a story begging the
listener to say —and to feel—'Yes, that’s the way it is, or at least that’s the
way I feel it. You’re not as alone as you thought.'”
Every story will look different because every person is different.
is something redemptive in considering a story that is completely
different from your own. As we take time to listen to or read someone’s
experiences and thoughts, we expand our perspectives and
hopefully increase our compassion. The plan is to post one story each Sunday for the coming months---until I run out of stories. Names and some of the
places in these stories have been changed (unless otherwise noted) to preserve the privacy of
sensitive information, but I hope that through this, you will be able to see a
part of yourself, your family members, and your friends in each of these
was born in 1992. I was raised in a typical Mormon household in Colorado and as a teenager, I had a vague set of expectations for what life in my 20s would
look like. I thought dating would be easy, that I'd be married to a "perfect" Mormon guy (whatever that meant) by age 22, that I'd have three kids before 30. There would be no heartbreak with any of that because life would only get easier after age sixteen (insert audience laughter). I didn't really
want to serve a mission and assumed that was "men's work" anyways (a
statement I shudder at today). I wanted to be a high school history
teacher and move back to Colorado as soon as possible. I thought there was black and white and generally believed more in God's judgment than in His mercy.
More than halfway through my 20s now, nothing quite looks like I thought it would. But I love the unexpected experiences and mindset changes I’ve undergone as I’ve entered into adulthood.
More than halfway through my 20s now, nothing quite looks like I thought it would. But I love the unexpected experiences and mindset changes I’ve undergone as I’ve entered into adulthood.

After my mission, I had five semesters left of studying history and German at BYU. I graduated in 2016 and was incredibly grateful for the experiences I'd had as a mentor, researcher, and student instructor as well as for travel opportunities around Europe. Currently, I am working on a PhD in Germanic Studies at Indiana University. Never had I planned on living in the Midwest, but it's been grand.
Over the past half decade, I've built valuable relationships with people from many different backgrounds and they have made my world bright and interesting. I have thought compassionately and critically about feminism, sexuality, parenthood, singlehood, education, immigration, racism, fertility, family ties, work, finances, revelation, mercy, dreams, and the boxes we try to put others and ourselves in, especially in a Mormon context. I have been relieved to find others with whom I can discuss these things. Having a community makes life's complicated tensions less lonely.

more often than not, I’m glad my life deviates from what I considered to be the
my life is mine.
is a need among members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
to realize we are not alone in our experiences, whatever they are. Being Mormon shapes us, whether
we go to church services and actively participate in our congregations or not.
I love being Mormon and highly value my faith. It helps me feel close to God, close to His children, and challenges me to find better ways to love, serve, and think. With that, I believe there needs
to be room for a wider Mormon narrative.
Because we are the Mormon narrative.
is more than one direction for life to go. Though these factors may contribute
to a happy life, success is not defined by marriage, education, children, financial
stability, missions served, worldly possessions, prestige, travel, popularity, or the ability to eat cake for breakfast and not gain weight.
individual’s path to “success” is different.
might include any of the above things.
it might not.
is no mold for a Millennial Morm and I rejoice in the diversity of our paths. Here are the stories of the Millennial
Mormons: Where Myth and Reality Meet.
life is worth celebrating.
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